You have arrived at the website of a very unusual company. NaturaGart's clients benefit from our more than 30 years of experience. During this time NaturaGart has supplied expertise and construction materials for more than 50,000 ponds. And currently this sum increases by more than 1,500 ponds every year, of which more than 500 are swimming ponds.
We manufacture most products ourselves and with only a few exceptions exclusively distribute them directly from our factory.
Company headquarters are located on an old estate, on which we have constructed a 'filed laboratory': The NaturaGart Park that receives over 100,000 visitors per year. The world's largest liner constructed underwater park for scuba divers is part of our facilities.
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and here for the latest news
Riesenbecker Str. 63
D-49479 Ibbenbüren-Dörenthe
Tel. +49-(0)5451-5934-0
Fax +49-(0)5451-5934-19
The NaturaGart Park puts on display the wide variety of ponds (top photo) and also offers opportunities for observation at the bottom of a pond with large sturgeons (bottom photo). |
Impressive spring bloom with more than 200.000 flower bulbs (top).
Only divers can experience the beauty of the caves in the scuba diving park(bottom).